The EY20 is Based Upon the Magnetostrictive Principle. The Sensing Tube Contains a Wire, which is Pulsed at Fixed Time Intervals and the Interaction of the Current Pulse with the Magnetic Field Created by the Magnetic Float. This Causes a Torsional Stress Wave to be Induced in the Wire. This Torsion Propagates Along the Wire at a Known Velocity from the Position of the Magnetic Float and Toward Both Ends of the Wire. A Patented Piezo-Magnetic Sensing Element Placed in the Transmitter Assembly Converts the Received Mechanical Torsion into an Electrical Return Pulse. The Microprocessor-Based Electronics Measures the Elapsed Time Between the Start and Return Pulses and Converts it into a 4-20 mA Output, which is Proportional to the Level Being Measured.